This blog post is a continuation of a book review on Martin Foys' monograph Virtually Anglo-Saxon: Old Media, New Media, and the Late Age of Print."
Virtually Anglo-Saxon: Old Media, New Media, and Early Medieval Studies in the Late Age of Print, Part 1
By Jesse McDowell Foys, Martin. Virtually Anglo-Saxon: Old Media, New Media, and Early Studies in the Late Age of Print. Gainesville: University
Walter Ruttmann and the Cinema of Multiplicity
By Caleb Milligan Cowan, Michael. Walter Ruttmann and the Cinema of Multiplicity. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2014. $50. Michael
Becoming a Poet in Anglo-Saxon England
By Jesse McDowell Thornbury, Elizabeth V. Becoming a Poet in Anglo-Saxon England. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. $92. Becoming a